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Lisa Wrightsman


     Lisa Wrightsman, the founder of the SSUSA: Sacramento Lady Salamander program, was introduced to Street Soccer USA in 2010 while living in a transitional housing and employment program for the homeless.  Lisa is a Sacramento, CA, native that excelled in academics and athletics, ultimately leading to a soccer scholarship and then a semi-professional soccer career.  However, in 2009, Lisa became homeless due to a serious drug and alcohol addiction which left her hopeless, empty and with nothing.  While seeking recovery and support to rebuild her life, she was introduced to street soccer and The Sacramento Mohawks.  After participating in the SSUSA National Cup in 2010, Lisa was selected to be on the very first All-Women's USA National team representing the USA in the Homeless World Cup in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 2010.  The impact of that trip was so profound that she was convinced, compelled, and committed to bringing Ms. Johnson’s mission to women here in Sacramento.

     In 2011, Lisa Wrightsman and Tiffany Fraser teamed up to Co-Direct and Co-Coach the Sacramento Women's Program based on the shared passion and belief of the power of soccer.  Between them they share 40+ years of soccer experience and a desire to pay forward all they can to those that they meet.  The collaboration of their efforts has fostered incredible results thus far and is proving to be promising and contagious to almost everyone they meet.
     The Sacramento Women have taken a full team of eight women to the SSUSA National Cup in 2011, 2012, 2013 and are now preparing for this summer’s SSUSA National Cup in New York City.  In total, the Sacramento Women have sent six women to the Homeless World Cup (Lisa Wrightsman to the 2010 Homeless World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Danielle Butters and Lisa Stanley to the 2011 Homeless World Cup in Paris, France.  Sarah Chambers to the 2012 Homeless World Cup in Mexico City, Mexico.  Our most recent send offs were Angelina Lowney and Eliana Echeverria to the 2013 Homeless World Cup in Poznan, Poland.) to join the USA Salamander team in representing the United States.

     2014 marks the fourth consecutive year that SSUSA will see the strength and hope of the women in our community.  Thus far they’ve seen women and children reconnect, women overcome interpersonal and physical fears, positive female-to-female relationships develop, women desire a healthier life style and set positive examples for their peers and children, and many other life skills and positive characteristic develop along this Street Soccer journey.  We are very excited about what will happen this year as we continue to pave the way and spearhead the Salamander Initiative for women across the country.

"Once the whistle blows, we all speak the same language ...a ball can change the world!​"


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